Thursday, 17 August 2017

TDS training in Chamonix

Having arrived in Chamonix two and a half weeks before the start of the TDS, I have had enough time to get in a couple of training sessions where I could get up to at least 2500m altitude. One of the lessons I learnt from last year and from again checking out the route, is that we spend a lot of time above 2000m and I want to at spend some time training at those kinds of altitude.

View from apartment

The first session took me up to the top of Le Brevant (2525m) and a second outing saw me climb past the half-way staging of the Aiguille du Midi cable car (about 2550m). I power hiked both climbs using my running poles and was pleased with how I felt on both days, especially the second session where I did a bit more running around at altitude. I'm now having a few days away from the altitude, mainly to give my quads a chance to recover from the LONG downhills.

Another important point from last year that I wanted to address was the cumulative dehydration that I suffered during the build up to the race. It is, once again, daft hot (for someone who lives in the wettest place in England) and I am determined to stay on top of my hydration. To help with this, I packed a Camelbak hydration bladder and basically carry it everywhere with me, drip feeding water constantly. So far, this seems to be keeping me hydrated.

I post some more thoughts prior to the race but I've got my head well and truly in the go-out-and-enjoy-it mode and that's exactly what I'm going to try and do.

If you are stuck in a cold/wet/flat place, I'm sorry about this video of some clips from these two high training sessions.

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