Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Hardmoors 110 results update

Just thought I'd post the results from the race at the weekend.

I came 2nd - my first podium finish in an ultra marathon! As you can imagine I'm really pleased with that.

We had some "interesting" weather conditions on the Saturday but that was counter-balanced by the stunning sunrise over the sea on Sunday morning. Only 33 of the 62 starters actually finished!

Hardmoors 110 results link

I tried a slightly different race tactic this time round which I will elaborate on in a race report soon and I've got loads of video/photos which should make a great storyboard of the event. I'll put something together over the next few days, though the video will have to wait until after the weekend.

Right, I need to go and see if there is anything else left in the house that I haven't eaten yet ;-)

1 comment:

Debs M-C said...

Very well done, Dave! Congratulations.